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MELON - Museum of Middle English Literature

What is melon?

  • an interactive online museum in four rooms on the e-learning platform ILIAS based on the information provided by the Online Companion to Middle English Literature,
  • offering various kinds of audio and video clips, slide shows, podcasts, and flash animations,
  • an elaborate system of self-testing and recursive elements are integrated,
  • course members communicate via blogs, wikis, Skype etc.

What is melon good for?

  • MELON organizes the learners’ progress by exemplary tours through a virtual museum,
  • it re-organizes the learners’ knowledge acquired by OCMEL studies and offers various kinds of self-test formats,
  • provides groups of learners with all kinds of modern communication.

OCMEL - Online Companion To Me Literature

What is OCMEL?

  • the Online Companion to Middle English Literature was originally produced as an Asymetrix Multimedia Toolbook by a group of students and teachers in 1997 and revised as a HTML Version in 2002,
  • it offers a more or less complete survey over Middle English literature organized according to authors, genres, history and special topics,
  • self-testing modules and guided tours were planned, but have never been implemented,
  • thus, the OCMEL has remained a valuable online work of reference, but lacks didactic organization,
  • the new MELON module now partly makes up for these deficiencies.